
PierceHacker Project (Overview)

In this project students will contribute lesson/tutorial materials to the PierceHacker project website.

This project will unfold in multiple phases.

Phase 1

Compose a survey in order to gather data on Pierce student technology use and needs. Write an analytical report on findings.

Key question(s): What tools/technologies are students using in relation to thier classes/education? If the goal of PierceHacker is to support Pierce students in developing information competency, what technology tutorials/lessons would be the most beneficial for PierceHacker to publish?

You can find our survey darft here and more details about the expectaions for Analytical Reports here.

Phase 2

Based on findings and recommendations of analytical reports – work in writer/editor teams to compose initial drafts of lessons/tutorials to published on the PierceHacker project site.

We will be using GitHub to draft, revise and publish our lessons/tutorials.

Phase 3

Usability test lessons/tutorials. Revise as necessary for publication.


See our course Calendar for specific project dates. In addition, as needed, project materials will be provded via the PierceHacker project site.