
The activity and work of this class will oscillate between holistic, big picture stuff and more seemingly nuts and bolts considerations of composition across academic, professional and personal situations.

We will compose things that do the work of more conventional written texts. We will also produce compositions in mediums and genres that go beyond some of our notions of writing or composing as strictly words on a printed page.

All of this activity and work will support the process of meeting the course outcomes. Our expectation is that English 235 will help students to:

  1. Identify the purpose of, gather appropriate and accurate information for, and write technical reports for specific audiences (Ex: resume, claim letter, instructions assignment, investigative report, proposal, feasibility report).
  2. Acquire the skills of Information Competency: be able to access, evaluate, and apply information appropriately.
  3. Transform instructions into informational units set down in a numbered sequence that is in logical order, in both writing and illustrations.
  4. Analyze the accuracy of and use appropriately graphics in technical documents.
  5. Write at least three different analytical reports implementing the appropriate content and format for each.
  6. Complete a collaborative team report.
  7. Identify and articulate ethical and multicultural issues in technical writing.

Your Learning Outcomes

My goal is that the work in this class is also rooted in the learning outcomes that you can define for yourself. Throughout the class we will work on how to identify and define these outcomes. Imagine a section here for these:




