Welcome to English 235

English 235 (Technical Writing)offers students the opportunity for hands-on experience in the diverse range of communications that circulate throughout our professional, academic and personal lives. Technical writing and communication differs from courses like English 102 in that it explores writing beyond the standard academic research essay. Projects in this course can include everything from proposal and grant writing to social media campaigns to board game design. Students in this class will be encouraged to experiment with and develop a wide variety of projects that seek to expand their definition and understanding of writing and communication. Technical writing also offers students a safe, low-stakes opportunity to become more savvy in their use of technology for life-long learning and communication. No prior expertise or experience with technology is required and students will be provided the chance to become more comfortable with and critically aware of how computers, smart phones and software impact how we make meaning and connect with others.

Throughout the quarter we will consider the array of choices available to us as composers and the constraints we are faced with when we compose for particular purposes, for particular audiences, and with particular materials.

Questions? Get in touch: jloan@pierce.ctc.edu or stop by my office in Cascade 357.

My office hours this quarter are Monday thru Thursday from 1 - 2 or by appointment.